Amfori BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) is a cross-industry non-profit organization founded in 2003 to improve working conditions in global, increasingly complex supply chains.
The 11 basic principles of the amfori BSCI:
- Right to freedom of association and collective bargaining
- Fair remuneration
- Occupational health and safety
- Special protection for young workers
- No forced labor
- Ethical business practices
- No discrimination
- Compliance with legal working hours
- No child labor
- No precarious employment
- Environmental protection
You can find more information here.

We do not overproduce
We don't want to produce anything for the garbage can. That's why we don't produce large quantities and launch about one favorite product per month, which was developed in collaboration with customers and influencers. We donate our B/C goods to various institutions, such as the German Red Cross, or process them further. We are currently working with the Union Sozialer Einrichtungen (U.S.E.) in Berlin. In workshops for the disabled, new products are made from our old goods, which are defective and unsaleable: Our The Ruby Scrunchie. In this way, unusable products can be further processed and reused.

Leaving something good behind with every step
We want to make our production and everything related to it as environmentally friendly as possible. At the moment we have our goods transported mainly and preferably by truck, ship and train. Unfortunately, since we only ever order our goods in sustainable quantities, we sometimes have to weigh up waiting and delivery times against faster means of transport such as air. Therefore, we cannot completely avoid deliveries via air at the moment. The share of goods arriving via truck, ship or train is expected to increase to over 80% in 2022. We are working specifically to further reduce our carbon footprint. In the future, we want to transport as much as possible by train and have more production in Europe. For 2022, we want to increase the share of production in Europe to 40%. We have already taken the first steps towards this goal: Our clothing made from LENZING™ ECOVERO™ and TENCEL™ Modal, as well as some of our organic cotton products, are produced in Turkey and Ukraine - we are constantly searching for factories with a local and sustainable footprint.